Monday, June 13, 2016

Lovely Real-Life Laundry Room Ideas

Laundry Pinnable Image

Hello again! Dawn here, from, back with another mood board for your decoration inspiration. This month, I wanted to try tackling a room I’ve never created a mood board for before… the laundry room. I should start by saying that I detest laundry with a white hot passion. It is my absolute least favorite chore, and there is regularly a pile of clean but unfolded clothes on my guest bed. That being said, the one thing that occasionally motivates me to tackle the laundry monster is a clean and organized laundry room. If the laundry room looks cluttered or chaotic, all bets are off. Can you relate?

When we moved into our house, the laundry closet was a disaster (well the whole house really, but I’m trying to stay on topic here). We did some quick improvements that left it looking better, but not great. Then several months ago, I took my tiny laundry closet from just ok to what I consider much improved:

laundry-then vs now - Designing Dawn


You can read all about the stages of this makeover here. And although it’s one million times better now, there is only so much you can do with a small closet for laundry. So today, I thought I’d dream a little and come up with an inspirational mood board for an actual laundry room. Like one you can walk into, with a door an everything. Dreamers gonna dream. 😉

Speaking of dreams, let’s look at some dreamy laundry spaces, shall we?

Beautiful laundry room inspiration | Found on

Found on

Beautiful laundry room inspiration | Found on

Found on

Beautiful laundry room inspiration |

Found on

Beautiful laundry room inspiration | Found on

Found on


Don’t you just love a good laundry room? One that doesn’t take laundry so seriously. Me too. Here’s what I came up with for my laundry mood board:

Most laundry rooms are not spacious and dreamy like those in magazines. Use these colorful, fun, and functional laundry room ideas to create a lovely real-life laundry room. Designing Dawn for

If you’ve seen some of my past mood boards, you know I love color, so it might not surprise you to see that this room is no exception. I feel like a fun, colorful, and well organized space might just be the one thing that can make laundry seem not so bad. So for this room, here are my essentials:

Lovely Laundry Room Must-Haves

Storage – Lots of storage in a laundry room is a must. If you’re anything like me, this space tends to become a catch-all for linens, lost items, rags, and cleaning products, just to name a few. I like to have as many dedicated stash places as possible, so in this mood board, I’ve included both open shelving (for pretty storage) and closed colorful cabinets, to hide all those not so pretty items.

Artwork – Being a graphic designer, I might be biased here, but I firmly believe that every room is better with art. The laundry room is no exception. I created my own guide to laundry that is both helpful and decorative, and I also found a very cute and colorful city-scape print that features a clothes line to stick with the laundry theme. (All mood board sources are listed below!)

Utility – Since this is one room that actually has to function, utility is equally as important as aesthetics. Making room for things like a small trash can for lint, jars to stash spare buttons or pocket treasures, and a clock to make sure you have time to finish that load before you throw it in, are all great ideas. Not to mention a hamper… you know… for the laundry. Making sure all of these things are cute is just the icing on the cake. 😉

So there you have my thoughts on creating a fun and functional laundry space. I hope you’ve found some inspiration to make your own laundry area a nice blend of form and function. Here are the aforementioned sources for this mood board:

Similar Cabinet Color:

Valspar Spa Pool

Laundry Basket
Laundry Poster
Cityscape Print
Orange Canister
Faux Succulents
Wall Clock
Hand Towels
Small Trash Can

As always, thank you to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me back each month. I’d love for you to visit me over on my blog,, or follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram for random updates and inspiration. Have a great day, friends!


Looking for more laundry room ideas?

40 ideas for tiny, awkward, and small laundry spaces
25 ideas for tiny awkward laundry spaces

13 beautiful laundry rooms
beautiful-and-organized-laundry-rooms-remodelaholic1-560x800100+ inspiring laundry rooms, large and small
100 Laundry Rooms

The post Lovely Real-Life Laundry Room Ideas appeared first on Remodelaholic.

from Home Improvement 1

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